Inside the body…

Inside the body the heart is pumping blood, the digestive system is grinding away on breakfast, receptors are driving molecules across cell membranes. We do work even as we sleep. Forces causing displacement are happening everywhere under our skins. The human body is a busy place.

courtesy of: The Physics Hypertextbook 

I don’t know why I like this so much…It just endears the body to me. It makes even physics seem bearable 🙂

Happy Pepero Day!

Well, a modern Korean celebration of love…kind of like Valentine’s day. Lots of cute pretzel sticks smothered in chocolate and sprinkles…yumyum! Very nice after a terrible Physics Lab Final.

I will be so excited to be done with physics. The more I learn (semi-learn..) about it, the more interested I am in it, but I simply dread being tested on it. I have only a polite interest, and a learned aversion to it. I almost can’t wait to start studying it for the MCAT, so I can start again at the beginning and really hammer out all the fine details.

Well we’re studying immunity in Microbio, and I absolutely love it. We did a section on immunity in Human Biochem too, so I already know all the molecular basics of everything, so it’s absolutely great! It has been super helpful to answer people’s questions though, so I can clarify what I don’t understand about it either.

Speaking of clarifying…Sn1, Sn2, E1, E2. They are driving me nuts!
I can’t keep who’s a good base/bad nucleophile etc etc straight in my head. MAN!

Self-fulfilling Prophecies?

LAST PHYSICS LAB EVER! And what do you know…I got a 0.46% error! The average is apparently 40% 🙂 A big improvement from the 690% error I got on the first lab…

I just really don’t like physics. I should have chosen the trig-based class, because I have never taken physics before, but my ego got the best of me. So I struggled through the first 2 physics. Well, still struggling through this second one. Almost done!!!!

But I’ve wondered…If I didn’t go into the class, completely dreading it (remember how I said I’ve never taken it before? How could I already hate it? No clue…), would I have worked harder and done better? I have this GREAT habit of procrastinating on doing things that I’m afraid I’ll fail at. So if I went in with no preconceived notions…would I have studied harder instead of procrastinating homework and studying because I absolutely knew I was terrible at physics? I mean, organic chemistry has a terrible reputation, but I never really heard anyone complain about it before college. And I did great in those classes.

Although tutoring has taught me that I didn’t learn much the first time through ochem. Well I know now!